
29 March 2018

Saying Goodbye to Momo

This morning, my cat back home in California, Momo, passed away of what was likely kidney failure.

She was a unique soul. We used to call her the "nurse cat" because whenever anyone in the house was sick or sad, she would go to their side and lay with them and let them cuddle her or cry into her soft fur or whatever they needed.

She would sit like a person, and was the type of cat that when you spoke to her, she would meow (loudly and, if I'm being honest, somewhat obnoxiously) to "talk back". She had the loudest purr I had ever heard.

She was a large, round, lazy ball of orange fur and love. I got to say good bye to her on FaceTime last night (thank the gods for modern technology), and she is going to be cremated just like her sister was.

I don't have it in me to write much more than that for now, I am afraid.

Rest in peace, Momo. I love you.

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