
24 November 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

I haven't posted much lately. November has been... a Month, to say the least. I hope to have a more frequent posting schedule in December when I am done with my current writing project, but lately that's been consuming a lot of my time, between the writing itself and all the research I've been doing!

However, today (in America at least) is a holiday, and despite the fact that back home it was never one of my favourites, and despite the fact that the story of the first Thanksgiving is largely a myth, I was really excited and, well, thankful when my roommate asked if I wanted to have Thanksgiving with her this year.

Back home, Thanksgiving meant a large family get together where I got a couple side dishes but didn't have a say in what they were, though they were usually delicious. I rarely cooked back home. It's not until I moved out here that I started really pushing myself to learn to cook better.

This year, I got to plan the menu! My roommate got a tofurkey, knowing I'm vegetarian (which was really quite sweet of her), but left the rest up to me!

Here is what our menu ended up being:

We talked about what we were thankful for, yes. (Like living so close to New York City in such a darling little house, and the fact that we get along with each other so well.)

But we also talked about history, both of the Native Americans and the Pilgrims, and of the Founding Fathers. (We have Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr shot glasses, so that's what spurred that conversation. We also talked about Ben Franklin.) I found out she used to be a bartender. It was really nice.

And after dinner, we retired to her room to watch the "Emma" miniseries, because it's my favourite Jane Austen story and it turns out we're both Austen fans!

All in all, it wasn't the Thanksgiving I was expecting.

It was better, and much-needed in these dark, scary times.

And I can only hope everyone else's was as well.


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